A Fresh Perspective on Gender: An Interview with Angus Fox of Genspect
A new, moderate organization offers a new take on gender, zooming in on neurodivergence, the need for role models, and the good that outliers do in the world.
A new, moderate organization offers a new take on gender, zooming in on neurodivergence, the need for role models, and the good that outliers do in the world.
When Adam Carrington, a practicing Christian, finds his well of patience for a fellow member of his church running dry, a core tenet of his faith takes on a more profound meaning.
You asked. We answered. What is this thing we named our magazine after, and what are the first and second factors? And why is this concept from Kazimierz Dabrowski’s theory of positive disintegration so much more important than his more well-known construct of overexcitability?
Michael Piechowski shares why he’s updated the way he thinks about Dabrowski’s levels of development.
Jessie just can’t help trying to understand why people think about politics the way they do. She’s betting plenty of others with high intellectual and emotional excitability might feel the same.
Both Democrats and Republicans are spiraling into echo chambers and out of control. Now Dan Greco’s primary allegiance is to a plurality of voices.
Frank ran for office as a Republican. But instead of left vs. right, he looks at politics as open vs. closed—and that’s guiding his search for a new political home.
Sensitive people are like the canaries back in the days of coal mining. We’re the first ones to notice when things are off, whether within ourselves, our family, or our world.
Do you ever find yourself frustrated with other people’s lack of striving? Of caring? Selena Ng reflects on that feeling—and how she’s tried to transcend it through a delicate balance of acceptance and change.