Tag Archives: Relationships & Belonging
Calling Down the Lightning
Why is Thoreau’s “little world” the image of restorative solitude, and Van Gogh’s “blazing hearth” that of genius misunderstood? In diving into these two men’s stories, David Wakeham demonstrates the pressing need for mentorship and community in those with great potential—and the consequences if this is nowhere to be found.
Friendships of the Good
It’s hard for men to forge emotionally fulfilling friendships in our culture, argues Ian Simm, but a look back in time shows it doesn’t have to be this way.
Is the Sky Blue Because It’s Gifted?
Benita thought she had found the secret to belonging. But was “giftedness” really the answer to the questions she sought to ask at the Gifted Adults Meetup?
When the G-Word Gets in the Way
For some, the word “gifted” can be a life preserver. Once they’re back on dry land, however, it will surely serve them best to hang it up.
Dabrowski’s Dynamisms: Subject-Object in Oneself
Dynamisms are the heart of the theory of positive disintegration. But what exactly did Dabrowski mean by that abstruse term, “subject-object in oneself?” Our editor explains this powerful process.
Why a Novel? Long-Form Fiction as Catharsis for the Intellect
Max Massa was desperate for a way to put overexcitable mind to use for the world—or, failing that, merely to connect with other people who cared ideas. Could he rely on his imagination to make the product of his intellect more meaningful to others?
Inhibited, Provoking, Despairing, or Thriving? An Interview with Sonja Falck
Are there specific relationship challenges that stem from having a high IQ? Through her research and consulting work, Dr. Sonja Falck developed a model that suggests three general types of relational struggles for high IQ adults—and one broad way in which bright people can thrive.
Finding Belonging Through Self-Knowledge
Foske de Kruijf shares how her family’s journey through profound giftedness catalyzed connections in new communities and deepened her existing friendships.