Episode 4: When Struggle Sessions Stir Positive Disintegration
Jessie / September 7, 2023
Would you believe that a socialist organization used to be a champion of free speech? That combined with belonging and purpose grounded in ideas, was what inspired Jessie to sign up back in 2013. But when a new wave of members brought a different set of values, she had to figure out what she really valued—and make a difficult choice.
Show Notes
- The Austin Chronicle story: “Learning the Hard Way That Police and Democratic Socialists Rarely Mix,” October 13, 2017
- Sadly, though not mentioned in the podcast, Danny died in October 2022. Here is an obituary posted on the blog of a DSA caucus whose founders included many who were sympathetic to Danny at the time of the events in the podcast.
- The book we’re discussing on September 17. 2023 is This Star Shall Abide by Sylvia Engdahl (also published as Heritage of the Star). You can get it here or as part of a trilogy. (Please note that these are sponsored links.)
- If you’d like to read more about the book first, here’s an article about it from an early issue of Third Factor Magazine.
- Theme music from TELL YOUR STORY music by ikson™.
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