
Category Archives: The Search for the Higher Path

  1. Getting Unstuck: Countering Polarization with Cognitive Flexibility

    Stuckness, says Dr. Mike Brooks, is at the root of both his clients’ anxiety and depression and our political polarization.

    So how do we get unstuck? In this interview, we chat about cognitive flexibility, the importance of relationships, and how it all unfolds on social media.

  2. Where True Poverty Resides

    When Adam Carrington, a practicing Christian, finds his well of patience for a fellow member of his church running dry, a core tenet of his faith takes on a more profound meaning.

  3. Transcending Tribalism

    Both Democrats and Republicans are spiraling into echo chambers and out of control. Now Dan Greco’s primary allegiance is to a plurality of voices.

  4. Between Scylla and Charybdis: A Radical Centrism

    Frank ran for office as a Republican. But instead of left vs. right, he looks at politics as open vs. closed—and that’s guiding his search for a new political home.

  5. The Canary in the Coal Mine

    Sensitive people are like the canaries back in the days of coal mining. We’re the first ones to notice when things are off, whether within ourselves, our family, or our world.

  6. To the Far Side of the Earth and Back: An Expat’s Disintegration, Part II

    After China sent Max into a spiral of positive disintegration, his return to the United States—and to crisis—ensured his moral transformation.

  7. The Bumpy Journey to Better

    Do you ever find yourself frustrated with other people’s lack of striving? Of caring? Selena Ng reflects on that feeling—and how she’s tried to transcend it through a delicate balance of acceptance and change.

  8. Third Factor Reads: Transcend by Scott Barry Kaufman

    Abraham Maslow extended a hand to Scott Barry Kaufman as he strove to grow as a human being. In TRANSCEND, Kaufman now extends that hand to us.

  9. Journey to the East: An Expat’s Disintegration, Part I

    Max arrived in China as a listless if integrated young man. Then it gave him the chance to witness true moral courage, starting him on the path to positive disintegration.

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