
Category Archives: Doing the Thing

  1. A Piece of Chalk

    One of the great essayists of the early twentieth century reminds our readers, whom we trust will appreciate it, of the beauty to be found in ordinary things.

  2. A Glamorous Hell

    More and more of us are thinking of trying self-employment. Freelancer Morgan Grace Milburn debunks the simplistic narratives about this path to help you figure out if you really should make the leap.

  3. Resilience: From the Roots to the Branches

    What stops a bright, intense, gifted person from blossoming? The Daimon Institute’s Sue Jackson sits down with us to talk about the hurdles her clients often face—and how they can begin to put out the roots they need to bloom.

  4. The Canary in the Coal Mine

    Sensitive people are like the canaries back in the days of coal mining. We’re the first ones to notice when things are off, whether within ourselves, our family, or our world.

  5. The Anti-Creative Funk of Isolation

    Creativity has always had a solitary component, but the pandemic drove home to author Jessie Mannisto how much creation is fueled by human connection.

  6. Remembering How to Be (Without Your Phone): An Interview with Anya Pechko

    To connect meaningfully, the most important thing we can give people is our time—without a phone constantly interrupting it. Consultant and coach Anya Pechko shares some striking insights on how to do this from her work with clients seeking to overcome digital addiction.

  7. Practicing Parrhesia: Fearless Speech for Agreeable Overthinkers

    Socrates and the Buddha have some suggestions for you highly agreeable types who can’t quite bring yourself to speak up about something important.

  8. Cancel Culture and the Intellectually Intense

    It’s always been hard to be a questioner, but today’s political atmosphere—combined with digital mobbing tools—have made it harder than ever. What’s a good-faith questioner to do?

  9. A Winding Path to Artisanship An Interview with Pierre Miller of the Desiderata Pen Company

    “Starting your own business is a lot of work. It should come as no surprise that ‘entrepreneurship’ is such a long word.” So says Pierre Miller, founder of the Desiderata Pen Company. In this interview, he shares the winding path that led him from his STEM degree to becoming an artisan and a small business owner, and how it required continual work at reintegration.

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