
Jessie Mannisto, Editor in Chief

A divergent thinker who can’t abide an echo chamber, Jessie has served as a CIA leadership analyst, a Google Policy Fellow, assistant the Consul General of Japan in Detroit, and a Segway-riding Mars Rover expert at the 2005 World Expo’s US Pavilion. She is now an independent writer, editor, and research analyst, helping private clients save little pieces of the world.

Articles by Jessie Mannisto

  1. From Hiding HSP to Gifted Leader: An Interview with Imi Lo

    Emotional sensitivity and intensity can be a gift, but only if you’ve learned how to manage it. Imi Lo of Eggshell Therapy and Coaching shares her thoughts on how to stop hiding from the world and from your own emotions, overcome toxic shame, and make your best effort to find belonging.

  2. In Search of Connection

    Issue 10 is here! Our editor in chief introduces new contributors, previews the articles, and shares some exciting proto-news.

  3. Inhibited, Provoking, Despairing, or Thriving? An Interview with Sonja Falck

    Are there specific relationship challenges that stem from having a high IQ? Through her research and consulting work, Dr. Sonja Falck developed a model that suggests three general types of relational struggles for high IQ adults—and one broad way in which bright people can thrive.

  4. Remembering How to Be (Without Your Phone): An Interview with Anya Pechko

    To connect meaningfully, the most important thing we can give people is our time—without a phone constantly interrupting it. Consultant and coach Anya Pechko shares some striking insights on how to do this from her work with clients seeking to overcome digital addiction.

  5. What Goes Into Free Thought? An Interview with Marta Lenartowicz of the School of Thinking

    Think you know how to think? The brand new School of Thinking at Vrije Universiteit Brussel is designed to teach students precisely this. Dr. Marta Lenartowicz sat down with Third Factor Magazine to tell us just what the School does—and offers you a few ideas to of areas to focus your own thinking, even if you can’t make it to Belgium for class.

  6. Practicing Parrhesia: Fearless Speech for Agreeable Overthinkers

    Socrates and the Buddha have some suggestions for you highly agreeable types who can’t quite bring yourself to speak up about something important.

  7. Living Life with an Intense Mind A Letter from the Editor for Issue Nine

    Editor in Chief Jessie Mannisto introduces our new editors, invites you to take a survey, and highlights the issue’s theme of exploring that thing we (reluctantly) call giftedness.

  8. Life in the Rainforest: Sensitivity, Intensity, and Giftedness

    Paula Prober coined the term “rainforest mind” to describe those gifted, complex individuals she works with as a psychotherapist. And though having a rainforest mind may be uncommon, rainforest minds generally have some commonalities, as she explained when she sat down with us.

  9. Cancel Culture and the Intellectually Intense

    It’s always been hard to be a questioner, but today’s political atmosphere—combined with digital mobbing tools—have made it harder than ever. What’s a good-faith questioner to do?

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